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Found 9477 results for any of the keywords international organisations. Time 0.008 seconds.
L_2016119EN.01000101.xmlEN Official Journal of the European Union
Partner Organizations - IAFIAF has signed a number of memoranda of understanding with international organisations with shared objectives and holds a number of agreements for the inclusion of private sector schemes in the IAF Multilateral Recogniti
About MindCul - MindculMindCul was founded in 2018 to help people and organisations act more mindfully, allowing them to respond with greater wisdom and compassion to new situations as they arise.
Articles of Association - WYSE Travel ConfederationAmendment of the Articles of Association
Endorsements Rescue GlobalRead examples below of what people and organisations say about us:
Who we work with | Ada Lovelace InstituteOpportunities for organisations and communities to collaborate with us.
Digital Marketing AssociationiVIPANAN digital marketing has established associations with international organisations marketing platforms, driving synergy for digital marketing success.
Cigna Health BenefitsCigna offers tailored health insurance and employee benefits programmes for IGOs, NGOs, international businesses and their globally mobile employees.
Engagement Groups G20 South AfricaSouth Africa fully supports the approach of strengthening partnerships and expanding dialogue with a wide range of actors; including States, international organisations and civil society; to collectively shape the G20’s
Paleologos S.A. | All Greek Ferries routes from/to Italy Greece AlbaniGreek ferries sea travel to Greece Italy Albania and Greek islands. Minoan Lines, Anek Lines, Superfast Ferries, AnekSuperfast, Hellenic Seaways, Sea Jets, Blue Star Ferries, Aegean Speed Lines, Golden Star Ferries, Leva
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